Natural birth control, cruelty free, and me

Hello hello

I hope you are all well. I’ve been wanting to give you all an update about what has been going on in my life for awhile now so, I am going to do just that.

Almost two months ago I threw out my birth control pills and forever said peace out. I’ve noticed that being on birth control I was constantly on edge, my anxiety is maxed out, and I cried at everything – even commercials that held no emotional topic. I started researching the Fertility Awareness Method which tracks your basal body temperature, cervical fluid, and the position of your cervix, amongst other things to help you either avoid pregnancy or get pregnant. Many people confuse this with the rhythm method which is tracking your cycle for 28 days and counting out about 14 to predict ovulation. The rhythm method is a very inaccurate way to track your cycle seeing as not every woman has a 28 day cycle and sometimes whether it is travel, being sick, or even stress – those factors can really mess with your cycle in regards to the length and when you ovulate.

While tracking my BBT (basal body temperature) I decided to purchase a Daysy Fertility Monitor that tracks my temperature and shows me a light: green – indicates a not fertile day, red – indicates a fertile day, and yellow – indicates that the Daysy is still getting to know my cycle so, I should use precautions on that particular day to avoid pregnancy. It definitely is a little pricey but, worth it. I love my Daysy and I have been using it for almost two months successfully. The first month I got all yellow lights because it was my first month but, now I get all three colors which is super interesting to see.

The past two months I’ve also transitioned to call cruelty free and natural products along with trying not to buy any unnecessary items. I couldn’t believe how many products I had that were tested on animals, it sickened me. It is refreshing though, that drugstores do sell cruelty free products you just need to look for them. NYX, Milani, and Not Your Mothers are some of the cruelty free brands that I have been using on a daily basis as well as Honest Beauty which (as far as I know) can only be bought online. I have also been buying cruelty free cleaning products or learning to make my own with natural materials.

Transitioning to this more natural life has been such a beautiful and enlightening journey. I’ve had the best support as well which has made this whole life change so much more reassuring and positive.

That is all I have for now friends.

Have an awesome weekend!


Hey all –

It’s been some time since I have posted. I used to be so much better about this. I don’t know, between working forty hours, going to night school, and still trying to have a social life, I guess my life has been kind of busy and things that I used to do very often have now become a rarity in my life. It saddens me but, I’m finding my way back. I used to be obsessed about just chilling, watching Netflix, and zoning out and by doing this I have stopped writing and reading, two things that have brought me much joy. I am however, working on incorporating those things back into my life.

Minimalism. I’ve been learning about it a lot lately. Watching YouTube videos about capsule wardrobes, downsizing, and purging, all filmed with a white wall in the background. Many of these people appear more calm, zen if you will. They express their ideas about how decluttering your surrounding can help declutter your mind. So with that being said, I’ve been decluttering mentally and physically. I’ve donated things upon things and have reused many items as well. It feels really freeing, especially dealing with a shopping problem. It means, progress to me and I like progress.

I’m sitting here on my floor at 9:43pm listening to jazz music and just enjoying life. It is moments like tonight that I appreciate and value all aspects of my life and I am grateful. The Universe has given me so much and some days I am just filled with all of this happiness and it just makes me appreciate life so much more.

Well, goodnight Friends. I’m glad to be writing again.

Talk to you soon.